To support you on your journey, below you will find articles, books and inspirational pieces.
Despite good intentions, unhealthy family relationships can sometimes have long-term effects.
As hard as it is to admit, you know that college would be impossible without the wise words of mom.
Despite the commonalities, there are differences.
This Mother’s Day, three and a half years after she died, I find myself turning over her question in my mind. And what about those who don’t have a mother?
The mother and daughter bond influences our lives in ways we may not even realize.
Parents feel anguish, too, as their daughters negotiate the social minefield of popular girls and other cliques.
This mother-daughter team explore the challenges and rewards of mother-daughter relationships, and what it takes to be a good mother and daughter.
The mother-daughter bond is even more powerful than we thought
Mother-daughter relationships are the strongest of all parent-child bonds when it comes to the common ways their brains process emotion, according to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience.
While everyone is susceptible to becoming codependent, parental codependency is more insidious due to the nature of the relationship.
My daughter just stops talking every time I bring up ______(insert topic or behavior here). What do I do?
Motherhood is supposed to be all about love and joy. So why do so many moms feel so bad?
Yes, you read that correctly – talks – as in more than one discussion about sex.
Many a “good daughter” learns making mom happy is necessary for their own emotional survival.
Parents don’t set out to say hurtful or harmful things to their children, but it happens.
Child rearing or parenting will be the standard behave of having a younger child’s community, physical and psychological and emotive features.
As we interact with our teen daughters, let us encourage them to pursue these characteristics and to aspire to become the kind of woman who can do and be anything she chooses.
We moms rub off on our girls. Over time our way of thinking becomes their way of thinking. If we want to raise kind daughters, we need to start by being kind mothers.
I’ve been recommending The 5 Love Languages to every mom I know, because motherhood is greatly impacted by the quality of our relationships.
I had it coming. While I was, for the most part, an easy kid— my mother would tell you that, if she were alive, ....
So often we come into this world carrying the fear of our parents as it is passed down to us and lived through us.
We all desire to find our tribe, a community of those that feel comfortable to us and nurture our journey.
Five guideposts for parents
Giving thought and care to how we can be a positive influence in their sex life is maybe more important than ever.
The way we see adolescents becomes the way they see themselves.
Like all kids, my daughter has never been above telling a lie or two, but this latest output seemed particularly egregious.
It's all well and good to tell overworked and overwhelmed parents to eschew perfectionism in favor of "good enough" parenting. But what, exactly, does that mean?
t seems like every time the kids hit grandma’s, rules just go OUT the window and it can be really frustrating…
Healing the Mother Wound with Renée Dineen
I had the opportunity to be interviewed for the Open Up and Speak podcast by the incredibly thoughtful and genuine podcast host, Andrea Veasey. During our time I shared my personal journey to my work and calling around mothers and daughters. I begin with sharing the story of how this work landed on my heart and my journey with my own mother wound. I also share the creation and foundational pieces of the Modern Goddess Retreat, along with some of my favorite experiences. It was an honor to talk about this work and to be part of this kind of healing journey.
"I want all the girls watching here now to know, that a new day is on the horizon."
Journaling by the Moonlight: A Mother’s Path to Self-Discovery - a beautiful deck of 54 journal writing prompt cards for mothers.
We should stop blaming Cinderella, the victim of abuse and childhood trauma, for being "passive" or "helpless."